You're a creator.

It's time you get treated like one.

Upspace 3.0 is on its way, in a big way.

Sign up here for creator specific updates.

    Creators are artists

    Upspace 3.0 is designed to help health creators deliver their content to the people who want it.

    Like Spotify is for musicians, this simplified new Upspace is a platform where creators can release their content out to the world, and earn money when people view it.

    Whether you post one workout or one hundred workouts, if people like it, it'll be seen.

    You're a creator, not a billboard.

    Start earning money for the tremendous value you create for your audience.

    Do more of what you love, and let the brand deals be the cherry on top.

    Work for yourself and focus on the fun stuff.

    What's in it for you?

    Creators have tremendous value to offer, yet it's very difficult to deliver that value in a curated and digestible fashion into the hands of all the people who want it. It can also be really hard to tap into new markets.

    We got you covered.

    Upspace makes it easy for creators to share their content with their audience, attract new people, and make some dough.

    Post content. When people view it, you get paid. It's that easy.

    How do creators get paid?

    Upspace shares 50% of all revenue with its creators.

    Creators are paid based on views of their content, similar to the way Spotify pays musicians, or the way Medium pays writers.

    Sign up here for creator specific updates.

      Our Mission is to boost the collective health of the human race by making healthy a lifestyle 🚀.

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